Small Groups
Small Groups of Faith
“Life change happens in circles, not in rows.” ~ Andy Stanley
The Church is not a building or an organization but a family of people who believe in Jesus. At Faith Lutheran, we come together on weekends for worship and scatter throughout the week into small groups to connect.
Sarah Circle
R.E.A.L Women of Faith
R.E.A.L Women of Faith
Monday Night Men’s Bible Study
Monday Night Men’s Bible Study
Thursday Night Bible Study
Thursday Night Bible Study
We define a small group as a micro-community consisting of 3 to 12 individuals. In our case, we are followers of Jesus who strive to live out the Christian faith together in a profound way. The practice of walking the Christian life together can be traced back to the early believers, who, following Pentecost, engaged in certain practices outlined in Acts 2:42-47.
Included in this list are:
- Devotion to living out what they learned from studying God’s Word together (“the apostles’ teaching).
- Devotion to doing life together (“fellowship” or koinonia).
- Eating together and/or partaking of the Lord’s Supper (“the breaking of bread.”)
- Wholehearted, faith-centered prayer that brought about the miracles seen throughout the book of Acts.
- Meeting one another’s needs even when it meant giving up something substantial of their own.
“Now all the believers were together and held all things in common. They sold their possessions and property and distributed the proceeds to all, as anyone had a need.” (Acts 2:44-45)
Small groups make disciples by utilizing and applying God’s Word in our own lives. Joining a small group of believers allows individuals to learn biblical knowledge together by getting to know God better, and understand how to live life in a God-centered relationship.
Belonging to a Group
As a believer, having a church home and a supportive community of fellow believers is important for spiritual growth. A small group of like-minded Christians can provide encouragement, accountability, and comfort during both times of hardship and triumph. When we come together, our goals are simple yet powerful: we aim to share our joys and struggles, pray for one another, get to know each other, and offer unwavering support and encouragement.
Hosting Your Own Group
Want to see life change happen in your living room? Pray now about hosting a small group. You don’t need to be a Bible scholar. You don’t have to be a leadership expert. We’re looking for people to host groups who:
- Have a heart for people.
- Open their home or find another meeting spot.
- Serve a snack or set the table for conversation.
- Turn on a video or lead a discussion with the curriculum we provide.