Staff & Leadership
Staff & Church Leadership
❈ Colleen Hopwood – President
❈ Bette Warn – President-Elect
❈ Helen Buehrle – Treasurer
❈ Cori Schroeder – Secretary
❈ Steve Williams – Stewardship
❈ Sherri Dow – Outreach
❈ Mark Scott – Worship & Music
❈ Open – Community
❈ Open—Spiritual
If you feel called to serve on the council, please see one of the council members for more information.
There are many opportunities for you to plug into the FLC community: teaching Sunday School, playing an instrument at worship, helping with the AV team, serving at the food pantry, joining the Hospitality team on Sunday mornings, or participating in a small group or adult forum. I pray you will find where your talents and time may fit in with the FLC mission statement: Loving God, Loving one another, and Serving our community.
Please note on the Sunday Connection card or contact the office if you’d like more information in how to join. May God bless you in 2024!

Daria Martin
Administrative Assistant
Daria is the Administrative Assistant for Faith Lutheran and joined the staff in August 2022. She has been a member of FLC since 2012. She has three daughters and six grandchildren.

Charlene Reid
Music Director
Hello Friends, my name is Char Reid and I have been a church musician since I was 14 years old. I began developing my skills at the church organ and piano at that age. Since that time, I have played at several churches that include Congregational, Lutheran, Catholic, etc. I love singing, playing, and directing a variety of sacred music including hymns, praise music, and choral. We are so blessed to have so many talented musicians here at Faith, and it is a true joy making music together. I hope that you can join us sometime!
I always like to include a musical verse. This is from 2 Chronicles 5:13 as part of the dedication of Solomon’s temple, “in unison, when the trumpeters, and the singers were to make themselves heard with one voice to praise, and to glorify the Lord, and when they lifted up their voice, accompanied by trumpets and symbols, and instruments of music, and when they praised the Lord saying, He, indeed, is good, for His loving kindness is everlasting…”
I’m looking forward to praising God with you very soon!

Ashley Corbino
Nursery Attendant
I am originally from California and moved to Colorado in 2008, where I fell in love with everything from the views to my high school sweetheart. My biggest joy in life is being a mother to my two children, Weston(4) and Jade(22 months). I have a big heart for children and animals and strive to live every day to the fullest.