What We Believe

What We Believe

Does it really matter what a church’s leadership believes and teaches? Absolutely. Jesus came up with the idea of a “church” and has a unique purpose and mission for us to fulfill. It’s extremely important that we, as a church, believe, teach, and live out the truth that Jesus taught and endorsed. If you’re a believer seeking to connect with a church family and are considering membership, a church’s doctrinal beliefs are the first and most important factor in your decision.

We want to be able to convey what we believe in two ways. First, we offer a “short version” that captures not only what we believe, but why it’s important to us. And second, we offer a “detailed version” that is purposely more technical and more detailed because, when it comes to doctrine, precision and clarity matter deeply. Read the short version and study the detailed version.

The Short Version

God is real. He is all-powerful, all-knowing, and totally in charge of the direction history is moving. He is Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. He created everything and everyone and every person matters deeply to Him. Everyone has sinned, so everyone needs Jesus, who died for our sins, rose again from the dead, and is coming back. Salvation is by grace alone through faith alone in Jesus Christ alone.

Heaven and hell are real, as are angels and demons, including Satan. The Holy Spirit lives in every believer and empowers and gifts us to live and serve. The Bible, which is God’s Word, is both true and powerful. 

The Detailed Version