What To Expect

What You Should Know

We’re a family. Church is not a building we go to, but a family we belong to. At Faith Lutheran, we are committed to building an authentic community where everybody feels welcomed, loved, accepted, and embraced for who they are; a child of the living God.

We’re a community of people who don’t have it all together, but are discovering what it means to find life in Jesus, to follow him fully, to break free from our past, and to walk in victory together. That’s who we are. Read more about core values, our beliefs, and our staff.

We care about you, not what you’re wearing. We don’t care who you’re voting for in the next election or how many tattoos you have. We’re a church full of imperfect, broken people who are coming to know Jesus and serving others together, and regardless of your story, we believe you belong.

Who We Are

Nice People

We love it when someone comes for the first time. But, we don’t always recognize the first-time visitors because so many of the people who come are still fairly new, so feel free to say, “This is my first time” and we’ll guide you in.

Biblical Teachings

Biblical teaching that connects the words of the Bible to everyday life and music that is both traditional and modern.

Don’t be surprised when some people raise their hands as a sign of praise while singing, and don’t feel obligated to do so yourself. We create an atmosphere of freedom in our services.

Kid Friendly, Family Approved

Our Sunday school is from 9:15 AM – 10:15 AM. Kids love it at Faith! If you bring your kids, you’ll bring them to the Sunday school classrooms where you will be greeted by a staff member to guide you to their classroom and sign in with their teacher.  

Babies and toddlers are cared for by loving nursery employees.

 All of our kids’ ministry volunteers must pass background checks and have a heart for kids & families.

Casual & Down To Earth

We care about you, not what you’re wearing, so feel to come in jeans or whatever is comfortable. Our dress code is simple: wear something.

Grab a hot cup of free coffee from our fellowship hall and sit wherever you’d like.

We will not single you out publicly or ask you to say anything, and we do not expect guests to contribute anything financially.

A Place For You

As a church family, we take risks by putting our faith into action, while remaining adaptable and open to change. Our ultimate goal is to reach out to those who are distant from God, and we’ll go to great lengths to achieve that, always keeping our actions in line with what is right. We are passionate about helping people who are broken, and we’re willing to get our hands dirty to serve others. We welcome everyone, regardless of their ethnicity, appearance, personality, or background. Our faith in the Bible is absolute, and we prioritize the growth of the Kingdom by planting new churches locally, nationally, and worldwide. Everything we do is for the glory of Jesus Christ. 

“Come to me, all you who are weary
and burdened, and I will give you rest.”

If you have any specific questions, email us at [email protected], and we hope to meet you this weekend!